We have a global team of experienced veterinarians that have now treated many thousands of cases. Please feel free to contact us to answer any questions on case selection, case management, or the clinical application of ArthramidVet®.


Case Selection & Management

Product Description

ArthramidVet® is used to treat non-infectious causes of joint lameness in animals, including both early and late stages of osteoarthritis (OA), through its precise therapuetic action on the synovial membrane.

ArthramidVet® is a biocompatible, non-absorbable, non-pyrogenic, neuro-innocuous injectable 2.5% cross-linked polyacrylamide hydrogel for intra-articular injection in animals. ArthramidVet® consists of approximately 2.5% cross-linked polyacrylamide and 97.5% water for injection. The hydrogel is supplied in a sterile pre-filled 1 mL syringe sealed with a Luer lock fitting.

ArthramidVet® hydrogel acts as a dynamic tissue scaffold that increases the elasticity and load transfer capacity of the joint, restoring the joint to healthy function.

Case Selection

Understanding the complexity of disease processes associated with joint pain remains a constant challenge in clinical practice and as with any disease process, an accurate diagnosis is essential. Arthritis describes inflammation of a joint and can occur after single or repetitive episodes of trauma. The term incorporates synovitis, capsulitis, sprain, intra-articular fractures, meniscal tears and osteoarthritis(OA). Sub- chondral bone injury also plays a role. These pathological conditions are described as ‘a group of overlapping distinct diseases which may have different aetiologies, but with similar biologic, morphologic, and clinical outcomes.’

Although conventional concepts of OA emphasise the direct and predominant involvement of cartilage and bone in OA development, it is increasingly recognised that the synovium is key to the central pathophysiological event of cartilage matrix depletion. In fact, it is now increasingly recognised that synovitis is the single most important factor that results in the pain of OA and lameness.

ArthramidVet® can be used in any synovial joint that is displaying clinical signs of osteoarthritis such as joint pain, synovitis, effusion, reaction to flexion, lameness that responds to intra-articular analgesia, and those with abnormal joint findings detected using diagnostic imaging modalities such as radiology, ultrasonography, scintigraphy, CT, or MRI. It is recommended for use as early as possible in the OA disease process (e.g. synovitis and capsular stiffness), but is also highly effective in severe or chronic cases.

It is essential that anamnesis of data of ongoing infection, concomitant medication, surgery or potential fracture is reviewed prior to injection to prevent possible infections or use of the product for conditions other than for which it is indicated. ArthramidVet® has a non-pharmaceutical mode of action so is also suitable in patients where other products may be contraindicated.

Case Management

Following treatment, animals should be rested for 48 to 72 hours. After this time, the animal can return to exercise concomitant to its degree of lameness until a response to treatment is seen — typically 2-4 weeks after treatment.

Training modification to accommodate the degree of lameness and the disease process being managed should also be considered. The use of alternative training methods such as swimming, water treadmills and dry treadmills are encouraged during the tissue integration phase and may offer better long term results.

Animals will typically show a gradual reduction in lameness from the first week after treatment and a concurrent reduction in reaction to passive flexion. After 4 to 6 weeks, no further improvement is expected, and re-examination at that time is indicated to either administer a second top-up dose in those that have partially responded (around 10-15% of cases, depending on dosage) or to reassess the accuracy of the diagnosis.

It is important for owners to understand this time lag for a treatment effect to be seen as this contrasts with most conventional therapies. For this reason, and the long-lasting benefits seen, it is also reasonable to consider treating the animal during periods of reduced exercise demands or earlier in the animal’s training programme than normally considered.

ArthramidVet® can be used concurrently with other medications (2.5% iPAAG is permeable to salts and organic molecules), therefore veterinarians may still consider using other IA medications, including orthobiologics for example, when a more immediate reduction in acute inflammation is required, with treatment of ArthramidVet® taking place 2-4 weeks before or after (depending on the IA medication used) to assist in longer term management of the affected joint(s). Concurrent use of NSAID’s with ArthramidVet® may also be useful and carries no contra-indications.

Product Storage

ArthramidVet® should be stored below 25°C (air conditioning) and protected from direct sunlight. Do not freeze. Do not store unsealed syringes for later use.

Information To The Animal Owner

See owners page for more details. The owner of the animal should be informed about the indications, expected results, contraindications, precautions, warnings, and potential complications. The owner of the animal should be advised that in the case of post-application complications, the veterinarian who performed the ArthramidVet® injections should be contacted immediately for necessary treatment.

ArthramidVet® User Guide

Veterinarians: Get our treatment guide for dosage, mode of action, case selection, case management and post injection care.


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Dr Kim McKeller



I have now been using Arthramid Vet for years treating TB’s ,SB’s and equestrian horses. It’s simply the best treatment we have for arthritis.”

Dr Kim McKeller



I have been using Arthramid Vet for more than 5 years treating thoroughbreds, standardbreds and equestrian horses. 90 % of my work is lameness identification and treatment. I have injected over 600 joints with Arthramid Vet and I have experienced no side affects.

I have used all the alternative joint treatments over the last 50 years and consider Arthramid with or without triamcinolone superior to all other treatments. 85 % of my thoroughbred lameness localises to the intercarpal joint. If we are treating early cases before severe bone changes have occurred we will achieve long term reduction of joint inflammation. I have been using it as prophylactic in some stables. If we have major bone changes I add triamcinolone as required. I have used Arthramid Vet in Fetlocks, TMT, Coffin, Pastern and stifle joints.In the gliding joints it is a superb product with spectacular results. In my experience joint pain on flexion is gone in 2 weeks and usually lameness markedly reduced but the maximum result is not achieved for 6 weeks. In summary Arthramid Vet is a very valuable treatment option and is my first port of call for all lamenesses involving non septic joint inflammation

I have now been using Arthramid Vet for years treating TB’s ,SB’s and equestrian horses. It’s simply the best treatment we have for arthritis.”

Dr Stuart Vallance



I have utilised hundreds of doses of 2.5% PAAG gel since 2014, and during this period I have learnt how to maximise its benefit”

Dr Stuart Vallance



I have utilised hundreds of doses of 2.5% PAAG gel since 2014, and during this period I have learnt how to maximise its benefit in my caseload of predominantly Thoroughbred racehorses. In my opinion, it can minimise the use of intra-articular corticosteroids or other joint therapies used in Thoroughbred stables. 2.5% PAAG is not a cortisone and shouldn’t be expected to diminish acute inflammation like corticosteroids do. In my opinion, it appears to have the greatest clinical effect in appropriately diagnosed joints with low-grade performance limiting lameness that are treated early in the horse’s preparation, or if utilised within a preparation given time (approximately 3 weeks) before one would expect to see a marked clinical improvement.

I have utilised hundreds of doses of 2.5% PAAG gel since 2014, and during this period I have learnt how to maximise its benefit”


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Arthramid Vet NZ