Histologic and cytologic changes in normal equine joints after injection with 2.5% iPAAG hydrogel reveal low-level macrophage-driven foreign body response

The prestigious American Veterinary Medicine Association has published another 2.5% iPAAG (ArthramidVet®) study conducted by IMS Vet Directors Dr Jason Lowe and Dr Leigh de Clifford, in keeping with our…

What is a ‘joint-flare’ and can it happen with 2.5% iPAAG (ArthramidVet®)?

Intraarticular injections in horses are beneficial for managing various musculoskeletal conditions, but they do come with associated risks and should be performed by a suitably qualified and experienced veterinarian. Furthermore,…

Recommendations and Safety of repeat dosing with 2.5% iPAAG ArthramidVet®

Introduction ArthramidVet® is a novel treatment and represents a paradigm shift in how veterinarians and owners think about treating lameness in horses. ArthramidVet® can be used in any joint that…

2023 North American Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Conference

Outrigger Kona Resort and Spa in Kona, Hawai’i September 22 – 24. Dr Jason Lowe presented his paper in a brief 15-minute talk. Histologic and cytologic changes in normal equine…

Published Clinical Trial on the Efficacy of 2.5% PAAG Arthramid® Vet

This article is written for veterinarians,  owners and trainers to summarise the major findings from a published study used for the listing of Arthramid Vet as a registered veterinary medicine in New Zealand and Australia. The…

Should veterinarians combine the use of 2.5% PAAG and Corticosteroids

By Dr Jason Lowe, Veterinarian. Treatments in horses due to osteoarthritis traditionally include rest, controlled exercise, corrective shoeing, nutraceuticals (including glucosamine, epiitalis, hyaluronic acid, and PSGAG’s), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s),…

How to treat hock lameness in horses

The tarsus, or hock, is unique because it contains both high and low motion joints, all of which can undergo disease and cause hock lameness. There are many types of…

Joint disease in horses – How to treat navicular disease.

Navicular disease (ND) is a chronic degenerative condition of the navicular bone of the foot and is one of the most common and frustrating causes of horse lameness. The syndrome…

Treatment of tenosynovitis of the deep digital flexor tendon sheath in a racing TB

In this second issue we report on how an experienced racetrack veterinarian managed a case of chronic tenosynovitis of the deep digital flexor tendon sheath in a racing Thoroughbred. Case…

Treatment of subchondral bone disease in the equine fetlock joint

We recently met with experienced racetrack veterinarians’ that have introduced Arthramid Vet into their management of subchondral bone disease in racing Thoroughbreds’. Introduction: Subchondral bone is composed of a subchondral…

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Arthramid Vet NZ